Sunday, June 26, 2016

Animal Jam- Possible New Plushie?

Heya! yep, i'm finally back- to blogspot, I have a tumblr, a youtube channel you should see, and more.
Well, today i'm gonna be talking about this owl plushie, in the wild explorers tent-

If you haven't noticed, the owl is next to Cami's Frog, which is an existing item.
Perhaps the owl will become something one day?
maybe it already is and i'm just dumb
Well, what are your thoughts? Leave em' in the comments!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Sorry I wasn't posting

Hey guys! I just wanted to say sorry for the lack of posts, so..
Yeah! Bye!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Animal Jam- Play Wild Glitch?

Heya, everyone! Today I was playing "Animal Jam, Play Wild"
While walking into Jam Mart Clothing, very quickly I accidentally pressed the "Change Your Look" button. After that, there was a weird, gray dot on my screen where ever I went. Here is some pictures:

This post is a bit short, sorry about that. Please comment your thoughts on this glitch! 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

~Unreleased/Not Yet Released Plushies!~

Heya, everyone!
Today I want to talk about some cool unreleased plushies!
First up, let's take a look at the plushies that were seen before they were officially released.

Formally Unreleased Plushies

                                                                    Llama Plushies

                 You probably know that Animal Jam never releases plushies right after a new animal 
                                                     comes out? yeah they never do that
                              But now, sometimes in the claw you can see Llama plushies!

It looks exactly like 1234 :)
The llama is also in one of the dens AJHQ made that was on the epic dens list. Here it is:
Now, this plushie has its own claw in the diamond shop.

Lynx Plushies

                            Another new animal, this plushie was found in AJHQ's epic den, too. 

I hadn't seen this plushie anywhere else before its release in the diamond shop, so if you have seen it, please comment!

Unreleased Plushies


Hey you guys (about 3 people)
I want to let you 3 great people know,
I'm making a whole new layout for my blog, so check back!
(Also, I post ALOT more on my youtube channel here; )
So, yeah!
That's it
amazing and
very long

Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Top Five Favorite AJ Items!

This is a new type of post I'm going to start doing; top five  posts! Just to let you know, this is ALL my opinion, not yours. I'll get into the topic of top five in another post, so let's get to the point....

Number 1: Rainbow Amulet

This has been a favorite of mine since way back when I got my first membership. It matches many outfits, and adds a little something that will stand out in an outfit! I recommend this item: 8/10

Number 2: Rare Angel Wings

I first got these while playing the Forgotten Desert a bit recently. Either if you're trying to be cute, or making an elegant purple angel, this item is perfectly purple! I rate it an 6.9/10.

Number 3: Cat Ears

Surprisingly, I don't actually have this item! However, it looks very cute and is nice for fashion shows, or just playing around! I rate it... 9/10

Number 4: Rare Shutter Shades

Another one of the items I first got back in August, these Shutter Shades are perfect for summer parties! 9/10

And finally, the one you've all been waiting for!
(let's see if you predict it!)

There is no No.5.
Back to your daily life.

so close yet so far awayyyyyy

Friday, February 19, 2016

Animal Jam Update: Goats are here + Leap year Party!

Hello, my frands!
Today, (yesterday) goats came out! like we needed another diamond shop animal 
Here they are in the newspaper:

They're so cute!
But diamond animals.

Paaage 2 

Yay, the Leap Year Party is coming back!
I hope they release spikes so they become even more commooon

Let's move on...

everyone hates polar bears lol
I wish they could at least give us rewards for donating gems. Can in-game "money" help polar bears?


wait that's where the otters went?
I hope their time SEEING the SIGHTS was a GREAT one!
In the goat minibook, there is just useless  facts about GOATS!
ok ill stop
The goat trophy, in its glory

are you sure?
oh yeah you totally didn't get the thousands of reports saying the new chat was broken

Finally... sigh

did members even ask
Why do members get all the "new slots"?
in fact why do members get literally the only good animals
The lucky party is next month.

Alright.. This update is pretty good, I guess.
at least the goats aren't minature weirdos

Monday, February 15, 2016

Blue Vines Trade attempts!

  Hey, everyone! Today I was playing The Forgotten Desert on AJ and got a pretty rare beta item:
     Blue Vines.  

So, after looking up the rarity I went in Jamaa Township and asked for trades. (I even said "No spikes!")
Here are some of the trades I got:

If you want to trade me, my username is Kayalols12
It would be worth about some of these items:
Flower Carpet
BETA Robot
Mira Statue
Rare Cloud
Zios Sculpture
Rare Short/Long Spike Wristband (might be worth a Rare Collar)
Porch Swing
Bubblegum Machine
Small Table
Wood Floor
River Race
RC Car 
BETA Tiara

However, some of these items aren't rare as beta items anymore, they were released

My lifffeee

gravity falls is ending ahhH

my life will fall apart

Member Glitch and New Items!

            Hello, my people! Today I found something rather strange...
         I was on my challenge account, (icystarmagic21) and accidently clicked the Jammer Wall. Instead of the usual "Members are testing the jammer wall bluh", this came up...

Not much of a glitch, but something just weird.
Anyways, the new items for today are:

That's it for today!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Making a Challenge Blog!

  Yes, I am making a challenge blog, because many other internet peoples are doing it!
  The link is here:
Sorry for the short post, but see you soon!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

"Race con" Party+ Chat Friends

Hey, you guys! Just to let you know, this is going to be a story, so it's long!
     Today, I got to meet some new friends (Including my idol! XD)
It all started on the chat log. I was just messing around (with the people, THE PEOPLE) with some people
that I always see in the chat, but I never talk to (because i'm lonely like that)
                I talked to them, while doing random things like posting emotes.
          Eventually, after having fun and "getting to know each other" we went to this guy, Icey29's den. I posted the bee movie script  we did lots of things in that den, and the suddenly Meloetta came! ^-^
She did stuff, blah bluh, then we went to her den, and.....

Raccoon/ Racecon party!
we dance
we hop

we truth
Also, I did some bread things.

We also did a portal thing
(The portal is glitched?)
Then, this silver guy came in and started telling a story

Afterwards, meloetta went on her challenge account for trades.
But, we did a fashion show, too!

It was fun!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Animal Jam Challenge!

Hello, everyone!
 If you've seen Animal Jam Flash (link is here) you know about the "Animal Jam Challenge"!
I've made my own account, doing the Challenge!
I'm not going to tell the username yet, but I will say some things i've done:
1.Played the Special Delivery adventure
2.Traded many items

My quest items are:

Yeah, it's horribly edited.
You guys should try this challenge, too!
(this is my challenge account)

See you in Jamaa!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Daily Explorer Posts!

Hey guys!
Today I decided to start the post off with a photo.
"Why are you showing me this unnecessary  photo?" You ask?
Well, I got my comic featured in the Daily Explorer, of course!
If you can, go check it out!
That's it for this post! Bye!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Aj Updates: New Oversized Dens, yaay

                                                     Hello again, everyone!
              To start off my blog, I've decided to make a post about good ol-fashioned updates!
                      This is about the most recent update, with the new den!
        exclamation marks, yay
Anyways, here's the first page of the Jamaa Journal:

Oh great, another oversized den in the best shop ever Diamond Shop
For the LOW price of only 7 DIAMONDS!

Page 2:

Carnival in February? This reminds me of something...
Also, if you want to see the rare item, it's here: 

Page 3:

Look, a new party deticated to the ugliest animals monkeys
if I would even buy one

Page 4:

Now for the worst part of this update.
I've seen people say, because of the update, they can't even say words like "hi" or anything misspelled.
However, now you can say things like "scam", "hack", "kill", and more.
so child friendly

Page 5:

Just a video about the new animal, like always
Do members really need 500 slots

Page 6:

Same as last newspaper.

Page 7:

You can now choose music for parties, blah bluh

Page 8:

The rest of the newspaper is mostly about the Friendship Festival.

Alright, moving on to the den: i wasted my diamonds on this, you better like it

            When you first enter the den, you spawn right here
Here's some of the out side:

           Rest of the den:


        Now, for the monkey party thing ugh this post is so long 
     Party tab 

Some photos inside the party

The items the shop sells;

Even MOOORE of the party

That's finally about it for this post. I hope to see you guys again!